Friday, January 21, 2011

Building Healthy Relationship

Relationship is a responsibility, yet so beautiful that our whole life revolves around it. Through out our life we keep building relationships no matter how heavy liabilities and responsibilities it brings with it.Yet there is always craving to nurture our relationship. Our whole life seems to have gone in vain if we fail in our relationships.Building healthy relationship is the essence of human life. 

For a healthy relationship, a good communication is a must, without this bridge one cannot hope to have good healthy relationship. Its only through expressing oneself that one can pass their true feelings to others.
Also timely appreciation and a good sense of humour goes a long way in building healthy relationship.

Sometimes relationship can be painful too and it seem coming out of a relationship is the only solution. But wait! think, how often you have talked things out. Talking out not only helps to vent out pent up feeling but also let other person know what are you expectations. To make your communication fruitful avoid referring to past, try to build conversation that gives more solution to the problem instead of adding to the problem.

last but not least, don't forget to listen to the other side, for sometimes we are so engaged in out thought s that we forget to listen to others. Its the two way communication that can solve even the biggest issue. All you need is to be tolerant and your love for your relation ( be it any relation ) will surely pull you through the most difficult phase.   

How right someone said :
                                   Relationships are like a rubber band, FLEXIBLE
                                You can stretch it as much as you want, but don't 
                                leave it after stretching .........................because
                                                    It really hurts !!!

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