Monday, January 31, 2011

Quote on Good bye

It's difficult to say Good bye.
People think it is holding on that makes you stronger, but sometimes it's letting go.

Heart break

Have you ever heard the voice when a heart breaks, its the loudest but to one self only.
I wish breaking of heart could make the same voice as does the the breaking of vase makes. At least people can hear it and can help in picking up the broken pieces.

Quote on Happiness

Make world a happy place by being one.
Butterflies live only 14 days, but it flies everyday joyfully and win many hearts,
Each moment of life is precious….
So be happy and keep winning hearts!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Quote on love

Life is unpredictable and so is love:

Once in a while right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairytale!

Quote on Love

Love quote, love sms

To Love is Nothing.
To be Loved is Something.
To Love and be loved is Everything …..

Your voice level shows your relationship level.

Your voice level tells you how close you are to your loved ones. Have you ever observed your voice  level changes according to the relation you have with other person or according to the state of  your mind.  

More the distance between the two hearts, more loudly one tends to talk.
Angry people shout and scream because their hearts are far apart from each other.
The closer your hearts are, softer one tends to talk.
The lovers’ talks in whisper, as their hearts are close to each other.

Raise your child to be your best friend!

Thought to share, deal with the child according to his age and make them your best friend.
Treat your kid like a darling for the first five years.
For the next five years scold them.
By the time they turn sixteen treat them like friends
Your grown up children are your best friends!!!

Motivational quote on good deed

Good deeds are contagious.
"The fragrance of flower spread only in the direction of the wind, but the goodness of a person spreads in all direction."  Chanakaya quote

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Food for thought: Contradiction in Life

Contradiction in life are about things that man knows are evils yet cannot stay away from them.

Man Says:
Share market is bad but keeps speculating;
Money is evil but keeps accumulating.
High positions are lonely but keeps wanting them.
Smoking & drinking is bad but keeps partaking;
Heaven is good but refuse to go.
Luxuries adds to the rat race yet keep inventing and enjoying them.

Chinese Philosophy on money

Chinese philosophy based on life long experiences. 

When without money, eat wild vegetables at home,
When have money, eat same wild vegetables in fine restaurant.   
When without money, ride bicycle;
When have money, ride exercise machine.
When without money, wish to get married;
When have money, wish to get divorced.
When without money, wife becomes secretary;
When have money, secretary becomes wife.
When without money, act like rich man;
When with money, act like poor man.

Quote by Albert Einstein

 A Motivational Quote on life.
 "A ship is always safe at the shore..... but  that is NOT what it is built for." Albert Einstein

Words to Ponder

Food for thought, makes you ponder what meaning words, action and habits have in your life.

Watch your thoughts; they become words.

 Watch your words; they become actions.

 Watch your actions; they become habits.

 Watch your habits; they become character.

 Watch your character; it becomes your destiny. 

Friday, January 28, 2011


Give importance to family relations, show your love and gratitude. they need it more than anyone !!
 I knocked into stranger in the office as he passed by,
“Oh, excuse me, please” was my reply.
He said, “Please excuse me too, I wasn’t watching.”
We were very polite, this stranger and I.
We went on our way, as we said goodbye.
But at home different story was told.
How we treat our loved ones, young and old.
As I turned, I nearly knocked him down,
“Move out of the way,” I said with a frown.
He walked away his little heart broken.
I didn’t realize how harshly I’ve spoken.
Lying in the bed that night, I heard God voice from my heart.
While dealing with the stranger, common courtesy you use, but the family you love you seem to abuse.
Go and look on the kitchen floor,
You’ll find some flowers there by the door.
Those are flowers he brought for you that he picked them himself for you.
He stood very quietly not to spoil the surprise.
You never saw the tears that filled his little eyes.
But this time I felt very small
And my tears began to fall.
I quietly went and knelt by his bed
Wake up little one, wake up.
Are these the flowers you picked for me?
He smiled and said, “I found them near the tree.”
I picked them as they are as pretty like you.
I said,” son, I’m very sorry the way I shouted on you.”
He said, ‘That’s ok mom, I love you anyways.
I said, “son I love you too.”
Moral of the story is that are we aware that if we die today the company we are working for could easily find our replacement in matter of few days.
But the family we left behind will feel our loss always!
So what an unwise investment.
Do you know what FAMILY means: