Saturday, May 21, 2011

Seek long term happiness....... find the difference between joy and pleasure

As we move along the path in life, in search of many things, we often make the mistake of seeking short term pleasure at the cost of long term joy.  
Many people confuse the two. Imagine going out to a gourmet restaurant every night for a month and feasting on great meals and luscious desserts. This is pleasure. But look at yourself in the mirror after that month and I don't think you will be so joyous. As joy is much deeper, it is being deeply satisfied with an accomplishment. If instead, you had put together a serious program, of eating healthy and fitness - and worked on it for 6 months - you would actually feel the joy of accomplishment and joy of where you are at.

Pleasure generally requires no effort. Joy on the other hand, has an aspect of pleasure, but its core existence is connected to working hard and succeeding at something. Joy is the feeling after you have learned a new language or have elevated yourself spiritually. Pleasure is not something negative at all. It is a gift we have been given. We just have to learn moderation and to appreciate true vs. passing values.

               We push hard in life and we see real joy, the essence of life !
Doubt sees the obstacles.
Faith sees the way.

Doubt sees the darkest night.
Faith sees the day.

Doubt dreads to take a step.
Faith soars on high.

Doubt questions "Who believes"?
Faith answers "I".

Friday, May 13, 2011

Live your life with love !

An inspiring story that shows the true meaning of living a life and winning paradise for yourself.

‘Why is it that some people can resolve the most complicated problems really easily, whilst others agonize over every tiny crisis and end up drowning in a glass of water?’ I asked.

Ramesh replied by telling the following story:

‘Once upon a time, there was a man who had been the soul of kindness all his life.
When he died, everyone assumed that he would go straight to Heaven, for the only possible place for a good man like him was Paradise.

The man wasn’t particularly bothered about going to Heaven, but that was where he went.
Now in those days, service in heaven was not all that it might be.
The reception desk was extremely inefficient, and the girl who received him gave only a cursory glance through the index cards before her and when she couldn’t find the man’s name, she sent him straight to Hell.

And in Hell no one asks to check your badge or your invitation, for anyone who turns up is invited in. The man entered and stayed.

Some days later, Lucifer stormed up to the gates of Heaven to demand an explanation from St Peter.
“What you’re doing is pure terrorism!” he said. “You sent that man down into Hell, and he’s completely undermining me! Right from the start, there he was listening to people, looking them in the eye, talking to them.

“And now everyone’s sharing their feelings and hugging and kissing. That’s not the sort of thing I want in Hell! Please, let him into Heaven!’

When Ramesh had finished telling the story, he looked at me fondly and said:

‘Live your life with so much love in your heart that if, by mistake, you were sent to Hell, the Devil himself would deliver you up to Paradise.’

 (Taken from the Paulo Cohelo's short stories)

Realization counts !

To realize
the value of a  sister/brother
ask someone
who doesn't  have one.

To realize
the value of ten  years:
ask a newly
divorced  couple.

To realize
the value of four  years:
ask a graduate.

To  realize
the value of one year:
ask a  student who
has failed a final  exam.

To realize
the value of nine  months:
ask a mother  who has just given birth.

To  realize
the value of one minute:
ask a  person
who has missed the train, bus or  plane.

To realize
the value of  one-second:
ask a person
who has survived  an accident.

Time waits for no  one.
treasure every moment you  have.

You will treasure it even more  when
you can share it with someone  special.

To realize the value of a friend  or family member:
lose one.
Hold on tight to  the ones you love!




Sunday, May 1, 2011

Precious gift for precious mother !

Mother's are precious, so the gift we should choose to give them should also be precious one. Now days the most precious thing is time so how about giving your mother the precious gift of time not just on Mother' day but each day.

Make it a habit to take out some time each day especially for the mother, call it 'Me and My Mother's Time.'

If you cant meet  her in person , you can call her up and a ask her about her day's routine. It will surely make her day.

Once in while You can take her out for lunch or dinner. Remember she was and will always remain your first Love.

You can spend some quality time with your mother going through family album. She would surly love going down the memory lane,sharing some golden moments about her past life. Don't miss that twinkle in her eyes as she speaks of her golden memories with her special ones.

Don't forget to give your mother your best smile. Parents in their old age looks up to their child's face just for a glimpse of little love. You can show it through your smile, believe  me its valuable gift for them which they treasure for life.

Lastly don't forget to give your mother a hug and say I LOVE YOU , for its magic always make a person happy and help them to live through the anxieties of old age.

A Tribute to Mothers Love !

No matter what culture, country or race we talk about, Mother's Love reign supreme in all without any doubt !

How does a child know about  the mother's  love. Does she keep telling  the child and reminding him about her love ....... the answer is NO !

The child know her love because he can feel Her LOVE in all her actions and gestures. Her warmth, concern and body language speaks of her love.  She doesn't have a  special day to celebrate love for her kids, she is available 365 days for her kids showering love and time 24/7 without asking anything in return.

Mother's love set an example for love in general. No matter who you love, love selflessly, 365 days, not only on special occasion. They should be in your thought and prayers all the time and you should be available for them 24/7 without any appointment. And foremost when you love someone love selflessly without asking for any returns.

Lastly no matter whom you love, don't just tell them that you love them, show them through your actions, gestures, warmth and body language that You really mean that You love them!!

                        A salute to all the mothers out there whose love has no limits !